Thursday, March 24, 2016

Making of a firmer butt, and also an admirer

I've done pilates twice this week plus went on an hour long walk today.  I know it's only been a few weeks since I've picked up exercise again, but I swear my butt is looking nicer.  Like a little firmer and maybe a bit more lifted.  I don't know if it's all in my head or not though. Probably is:)

A man came into my work 3 times last week and stared at me each time. Finally I just kind of waved at him and I guess that opened up the door for conversation where he proceeded to tell me that he likes big girls and thinks I'm beautiful.  I know it was a compliment, but my mind was all, "DID YOU JUST SAY I'M FAT?!?!?!?!"

Anyway, I told him I'm happily married and he went on his merry way.  Honestly though, I'm very flattered that someone said I'm beautiful, but the whole big girl comment killed the flattery. Who says that to a stranger?

We're going camping for Easter, which is exciting.  Sometimes we go in our camper and sometimes we go in a tent.  Since it will be nice weather, we're going the tent route. I need to buy some marshmallows...

Friday, March 18, 2016

It might be getting better

Apparently when I wrote my last post, I was PMSing.  No wonder I had been pigging out and had low energy.  My period finally came today and I'm suddenly not as hungry anymore.  In fact, I've been counting calories today and will easily hit my goal of staying under 1800.

We got Sushi from Publix tonight.

I'm a weenie and usually get the veggie sushi.  Although I did get the salmon and cream cheese kind last weekend and it was pretty good.

Publix has started putting calorie counts on the sushi and I'm so happy/excited at how much you get to eat for 600 or less.

My bff from college is coming to town tomorrow!!!!  I'm so excited.  Usually I have to go up there (Ohio) to see her, but she's driving through to Florida and is making an extra special stop in Savannah for the night.

I definitely won't be drinking since I'll have to drive, but we will probably go out for a bite.  This is actually my first friend to teach me how to count calories. Isn't it funny what you bond over with some people?

Tuesday, March 15, 2016


I'm having a hard time lately.  I wake up thinking about it being a new day and how I'm the only one who can change my life, and then someone breaks out the chips and bean dip and I'm a goner.

I have 3 different house guests coming over the next 6 weeks.  I'm not one who entertains a whole lot so I'm stressed out. Is my house ever going to be clean enough? It's small and we have 3 dogs so I'm always afraid that it smells like dog. How embarrassing.  But I love my dogs far more than I love most people so they are allowed to stink it up.

I'm also a little stressed about money.  I've been doing well with my budget and paying down debt, but will I suddenly have to spend a lot of money while entertaining guests?  Am I expected to serve wine and fancy cheeses?  Can it be Diet Coke and Cheetos?  I've honestly been on Pinterest asking these very questions.

I spent an hour on the treadmill Saturday and felt guilty for not being at home scrubbing carpets.  Hahaha.  That just sounds silly now.

I'm giving myself a daily cleaning task so that little by little everything should be spotless.  Last night I scrubbed the HECK out of the tub. It's so shiny and my husband said it felt sterile like a hospital when he showered this morning.  Today's goal is to organize all of the clothes that aren't properly folded or on hangers.  It's not a huge pile, but it's an ugly pile.

Another goal today is to not stress.  Just do what has to be done and quit letting it get to me.  Hopefully this will help with my eating too since I'm a stress eater.

Friday, March 11, 2016

Longest week ever!

Did it drag or is it just me?

I finally finished House of Cards on Tuesday (or was it Wednesday?) and, um, Frank Underwood has RUINED MY LIFE.  Or maybe it's Claire who ruined it, but I know it's one of them.

Work has been challenging.  There's a coworker who brings me down with her holier than thou attitude.  I'm not the only one she bugs, but she's really getting under my skin.

Let me stop before I go on a  rant, which goes against my morals because when I started writing this blog, I vowed to not talk about work because we know how that works out for most bloggers.

Forgive me.

I'm a bachelorette this weekend since hubby is out of town.  I ordered a pizza.  Pizza is one of my bad habits that landed me writing a blog about the agony of being fat.

Look at that beaut!

I vow to ride 20 minutes per slice on my recumbent bike tonight.

Monday, March 7, 2016

Bootay Exposé

I wore these jeans to work on Friday and after a long day, I came home and noticed there was a tear by the pocket. 

I really wish I knew how long my underwear was shining to the world before I noticed.  Maybe there's a little too much junk in this trunk.

Admittedly, I had a gluttonous weekend.  The only good thing is how active I was both of the days so I'm trying not to beat myself up too much about it.  I start everyday trying to count calories, but always end up failing.  I just need to focus on intuitive eating and not necessarily tracking every bite of food.  At least that's what I think I need to do.

I'm excited about the state of my garden.  Here are the beginnings of zucchini.

Do you ever make egg scrambles?  I did this often last summer: chop some onions and zucchini or yellow squash and cook in a bit of coconut oil then scramble some eggs and add to the cooked veggies.  yum yum yum.  I never had to add salt or cheese or anything because the freshly picked vegetables taste so good.

Friday, March 4, 2016


Third month in a row that I've weighed the exact same. I'm a little bummed because I feel like I exercised more and overindulged less in February.  The scale said 234.0 for a couple of seconds before blinking up to 234.5 so I'm holding on to hope that there will be a loss soon.

I bought new workout clothes to, you know, entice me to workout.  I got a shirt and workout pants at Old Navy for only $15.  I was a little worried because these are supposed to be form fitting and my form is not very fit, but the material is just right.  It magically hides my cellulite. Unfortch, it can't hide my girth.

Do you know how hard it is to photograph your pants in a mirror?

I'm so happy it's Friday!  What is everybody doing this weekend?  I'll be watching House of Cards:)