Tuesday, June 27, 2017

Is it really almost July?

Today's weight: 223 (-1 from last week)

This is a good weigh in considering I ate pizza twice last week!

I know I've talked about my knock knees before, but I'm obsessing over them. I really hope that exercise and weight loss will help correct this problem.

I'm lying on my back in that picture with my feet up the wall.  I feel like I'm so deformed in that picture. I know I'm still a fairly mild case, but everything starts off mild before becoming severe.  Standing with my feet together is very difficult and can't be done for more than a few seconds. 

I've been doing some stretches that I found on YouTube for knock knees, but I don't see a difference yet. I just need to keep working on improving my overall physical wellbeing.

I've already picked out my workout for tonight.

I haven't done this DVD in ages.  It's going to be so hard! I'm honestly looking forward to it because my workouts have been feeling kind of easy lately(Yay!).

Tuesday, June 20, 2017

Another day, another dollar

Today's weight: 224 (-2 from last week)

I'm very happy with the 2 pound loss. I didn't get my long walks in this weekend due to the extreme heat. On Saturday I quit after 25 minutes. On Sunday I made it 40 minutes. Usually I do an hour each day.

I did come home and ride my stationary bike though. 

This was a 3-day weekend for me and I'm dreading going back to work today. I like my job, but I like being lazy even more. 

Tuesday, June 13, 2017

Run like you stole something

Today's weight: 226

That's a 3 pound drop since last week so I stepped on the scale 4 times to make sure it was right. But I only lost half of a pound the previous week so I think it was just evening itself out.

I've been adding some running to my walks lately.  I'm always so impressed by people who run and I've attempted to be a runner numerous times, but I just don't stick with it.  Part of my problem is that I'm slow and my endurance is poor and I give up quickly.

So I bought this book.

Honestly, I bought it a couple of years ago, but have never really read it until now.  Jeff Galloway's approach to running is to take it very conservatively and to have lots of walking breaks.  That's a plan I can get behind!!!  Both days last weekend I set out for a 3 mile walk/run.  It was mostly walking and while I was sore from my short running intervals, I felt good!  I'm not signing up for a marathon or anything, but maybe I can actually call myself a runner some day soon?!?

Tuesday, June 6, 2017

Point Five

Today's weight: 229 (-.5 from last week)

I'm only down half of a pound from last week, but two people at work have recently asked me if I've lost weight.  So that makes up for the very small loss :)

My exercise wasn't as good last week.  Usually I try to taking long walks on the weekends, but I got so busy on Sunday doing chores and errands that I didn't exercise at all.  This week will be better since I think I'm caught up on all of the time consuming things.

I need to start watching House of Cards from my exercise bike instead of the recliner.  There's so much good tv out there these days.  How did we live before Netflix?