Anyway, I have a friend who is freshly divorced (and hand to God, her divorce is the best thing that happened to the universe), but she is quite overweight and so afraid of dating. I get that fear. I really do.
My friend has had 2 children and claims that her stomach is a mess because of it. I haven't seen her naked tummy, but I understand how bodies work and I know what she looks like fully clothed.
Now that she's on the Newly Divorced Diet (that's a thing, right?) she wants to start walking and doing exercise videos so I think I have an exercise partner that is actually a good match for me.
A couple of my work friends are begging me to sign up for a 5 or 10k with them. I'm actually considering signing up for one for some motivation.
My view on dating will being overweight? I'm weeding out the shallow people that can't see my internal beauty through a few excess pounds.