Friday, February 26, 2016

The agony of dating while fat

I feel so lucky to not have to date at this size.  I was 180 pounds and 20 years old when I met my husband.  Somehow 180 pounds looks much better on a 20 year old than on someone in her mid-30s.  So I wasn't FAT, but I was still chubby.

Anyway, I have a friend who is freshly divorced (and hand to God, her divorce is the best thing that happened to the universe), but she is quite overweight and so afraid of dating.  I get that fear.  I really do.

My friend has had 2 children and claims that her stomach is a mess because of it. I haven't seen her naked tummy, but I understand how bodies work and I know what she looks like fully clothed.

Now that she's on the Newly Divorced Diet (that's a thing, right?) she wants to start walking and doing exercise videos so I think I have an exercise partner that is actually a good match for me.

A couple of my work friends are begging me to sign up for a 5 or 10k with them.  I'm actually considering signing up for one for some motivation.

I've been doing my own thing with exercise lately. Sometimes I get on the recumbent bike while watching tv. Other times I write out my own workouts to do during the day.

1 comment:

  1. My view on dating will being overweight? I'm weeding out the shallow people that can't see my internal beauty through a few excess pounds.
