Sunday, June 17, 2018

The agony of being fat in a subtropical climate

It's so hot outside that I'm always so worried that I smell and will feed into the stereotype of being the smelly fat lady. 

I took a bath before going to the outlet mall yesterday but by the time I got back to the car I was like, OH GOD I better get home and take another bath ASAP.  I hadn't even walked around as much as I wanted to, but it was so hot that I couldn't keep going.  

It's so hot that I don't even feel like going to the beach.  I mean, at my size, I rarely feel like going to the beach anymore, but I still do it. To be honest, I prefer the beach in March and December down here.  The tourists are gone and it's usually pleasant to be out there then.

On Thursday it's supposed to be in the high 90s.  That's the day I'm driving to Ohio to see some family so I'm excited to get out of these disgusting temps.

When I'm independently wealthy, I'm doing summers in the north and winters in the south.

Tuesday, June 5, 2018

Here's your monthly reminder.....

...that I'm not dead, just fat.

I'm avoiding the scale like the plague.  I get anxiety just friggin thinking about it.

I'm making an effort to get at least 6,000 steps per day, which can be challenging some days since I have such a sedentary job.  Sometimes when I'm still at 3 or 4k, I'll put the fitbit on my foot and ride my stationary bike until I hit 6k.

On Sunday I did a really good 45-minute workout with weights and my thighs are still sore (and I love it!).  I intend to do a short pilates workout tonight after I finish washing the dishes.

I have MANY excuses for not sticking to a diet, but doesn't it feel like healthy foods cost so much money? Spinach and chicken breasts are great, but rice a roni and  PB&J sandwiches are more in my budget.