Tuesday, June 5, 2018

Here's your monthly reminder.....

...that I'm not dead, just fat.

I'm avoiding the scale like the plague.  I get anxiety just friggin thinking about it.

I'm making an effort to get at least 6,000 steps per day, which can be challenging some days since I have such a sedentary job.  Sometimes when I'm still at 3 or 4k, I'll put the fitbit on my foot and ride my stationary bike until I hit 6k.

On Sunday I did a really good 45-minute workout with weights and my thighs are still sore (and I love it!).  I intend to do a short pilates workout tonight after I finish washing the dishes.

I have MANY excuses for not sticking to a diet, but doesn't it feel like healthy foods cost so much money? Spinach and chicken breasts are great, but rice a roni and  PB&J sandwiches are more in my budget.


  1. Like you I have a very sedentary job. For me to make it to the 6k steps it requires me to walk on both breaks AND my 30 minute lunch. But I’m making a conscious effort to do so!!!!

    Kudos for the stationary bike ride to make it to the step goal!!!

  2. Great job getting your steps. Most days I only get about 3k. A year ago I was up to 8k. I really want to get back up there.

    You're doing a great job.

  3. I have a job sitting at a desk most of the day too. I know I should work out to make up for it, but so far I haven't gotten into a routine. I will. Great job with the workout over the weekend! I love being sore after a workout. Makes me feel like I accomplished something.
