Wednesday, August 8, 2018

It ain't no sin to be glad you're alive

With the exception of last Saturday, I'm still doing the diet and exercise thing. 

I'm on day 14 of this 21-day arm challenge I found on Pinterest. 

It's very hard while I'm doing it but it doesn't leave me sore the next day. I really like being sore after exercise. But I'm feeling good about myself and my energy levels are improving!

Let's see, what else is going on? Not a damn thing.  Having a boring life does not make very good blog material. 


  1. I like that sore feeling also! I thought I was the only one!!!!

  2. Great job on the challenge. See it through to the end!

    My blog has slowed down too. I think my obsessive cleaning and stitching is pretty boring LOL.

  3. Boring is wonderful! It means no drama haha ...way to go on seeing 14 days of your 21 challenge. Keep it up!
