Monday, January 1, 2018

Should Auld Acquaintance Be Forgot?

As usual, I've been absent for so long because I've been abandoning all hope of weight loss and fitness in exchange for eating like a professional weight lifting man who is in prime bulking season. 

But it's the new year and I'm back and, you know, I hope to be here for a long time.

I've had a pretty bad cold for the last 4(5? I can't remember anymore) days so my energy levels have been in the toilet.  My sleeping is poor because I'm so congested and can only mouth breathe, which is super uncomfortable for me.  Even taking medicine only helps for a couple of hours.

The silver lining?  My appetite has been slightly reduced so at least there's that.

Today is the first day I woke up with some energy so maybe I'll get in a workout.  Anything will be better than the NOTHING that I've been doing for the last month.

Weight on January 1, 2017:  236
Weight on January 1, 2018:  231.5

My lowest weight of 2017 was 221.5 so my first resolution is to see that number again.  Ten pounds shouldn't take me too long, right?  Hopefully by Valentine's Day!


  1. And were less on the scales on 1-1-18 versus 1-1-17!!!

    You’ve got year....fresh open book to make yourself exactly what you want to be!!!

    Hope the cold is better!!!!

  2. Hope your feeling better. I think setting small goals is a good way to go.

    You can do this.....WE CAN DO THIS!

  3. I am mouth-breathing lately too! Hope we are both better soon! Great goal to lose 10 pounds by Valentine's Day.

  4. I tend to go MIA when I'm not doing well either. Welcome back and I hope to read a lot more in here! You can do it!
