Thursday, January 18, 2018

Weighty Anxiety

This is something weird that I know has happened before, but I'm really trying to figure it out.  I have a  bit of anxiety revolving around my eating and exercise schedule.  Like I'm almost manic when I know I need to go exercise.  Or freak out that I might have eaten too many calories.

It's really not mentally healthy and I remember doing this when I lost 100 pounds in my 20s.  It's like I'm so militant that I can't deviate from my daily plan or I'll just give up and fail.

How do I make myself relax?

I've proven that I need structure to lose weight.  Obviously I don't know how to eat until just full. I wouldn't have ended up over 230 pounds if I knew what "just full" felt like. 

I've tried to just eat smaller portions and take evening walks, but it never lasts long enough to show results.  I guess I'll just continue on my current plan of eating 1600-1800 calories per day and exercising 4 times per week for now.  Although I'd rather be neck deep in fried chicken and corn bread.


  1. You were much nicer in saying you don’t want to be militant, I call it anal or like a nazi! It’s a fine line...but I know for me if I am ‘millitant’ Than when I break from that strict regime that I will stumble!!! Grrr! I’m trying..we shall see how it goes. I think the biggest issue is that not being militant is slower and thus more frustrating! But that said I’m working it in...this morning I so badly wanted to get a breakfast sandwich out...but I held tight with my banana in the car because I knew what is most likely for dinner.

  2. I am EXACTLY the same way! Either off the chain or crazy obsessed. I don't know how to strike a healthy balance. I am hoping that will come with time!

  3. I know the feeling you're describing. I get frustrated because I feel like I have to be diet obsessed in order to see results but then I feel like I'm not living ...there's no balance. Just keep practicing your routine and figure out what works for you and what doesn't. Eventually, it will all come together.

  4. Im the sane way too. Either obsessed or way to relaxed. I'm still searching for something that works.
