Saturday, June 1, 2019

Another day older

May 1st - 235
June 1st - 231.5

May was a fun filled month. I turned 40 (ack!) and went on a long weekend to visit a friend and drink all the Prosecco and eat all the food so it's amazing I managed to lose a few pounds.

I've thought about writing here a million times over the last month but my laziness always wins out. I'm fighting the need for a nap at the moment #thisisforty so this won't even be a long post.

Hope everybody is well.


  1. Happy belated birthday and congrats on the weight loss in May!!!

  2. Happy birthday. You did great in May. My May was a complete struggle. Have high hopes for June though. LoL

  3. Happy birthday! I just turned 45, so I second the "ack"!
