Tuesday, March 5, 2019

Four years

Is that how long I've been sick? Four years?  Feels like it. 

Took my last dose of Prednisone and decided to weigh myself this morning for the first time since God knows when.  I was 234 and when I went to write it in my little notebook, I thumbed through some pages and realized that I've been bouncing around the 230s since 2015.  Sure, there's a brief moment when I got into the 220s, but mostly I've been between 231-235 for the last four years.

I want to change it so badly:(

How can you be in control of something and want to change it, but just don't?  So depressing.

I still have this hacking cough.  I even bought some Robitussin to take tonight because I'm losing sleep from waking up to cough.  I do, however, feel much better.  Just this damn lingering cough.

Oh!  And Luke Perry died yesterday.  My heart breaks. I fell in love with him in middle school when he was on 90210 and I re-fell in love with him on Riverdale.  So sad. And so young.


  1. Hello I stop in from Moontides. Sorry to hear your coughing and hacking.
    Hope it goes away soon
    If you have time stop by for a cup of coffee

  2. I know that feeling. We know what we have to do, what we have to control, and as much as we may want it, we don't do anything. I went over my goal two months ago and struggled to find my way back. Finally lost 3 pounds and went back under goal. What do I do? I celebrate with all the wrong foods and that celebration has gone on for two weeks now. Why? I wish I knew the answer.

  3. Glad you're starting to feel better. The cough is always the last to go.

    I'm telling myself that a lot lately. "I want it so bad. I know what to do. I try. Why isn't it working?"

  4. So glad you are feeling better! Hoping and praying that the remnants of the sickness leave your body soon (if not already!)

    I am with you. I know I’m in control. I want it soooo badly. Yet I continue to struggle so bad with my weight with no real results as of late!!! Frustrating! But you know what? We can do it! With the support we get on here...we have this!!!

  5. I have felt the same way so many times: I really, really want to lose weight. Then my behavior and choices completely defy that. I can't explain it either. A cough that won't go away is the worst! I have had coughs hang on and on, until I thought it would never go away. I hope yours decides to leave you alone soon!
