Friday, March 1, 2019

Fat Girl Nightmare

Doctor put me on Prednisone.  You know, the automatically-gain-ten-pounds drug.

It's just for five days, wish me luck.


  1. You’ve got this!!!! You know what steroids have a tendency to keep yourself in check and don’t just give up saying ‘it’s a lost cause and I’m going to gain anyway’. Don’t compound any issue!!!!

  2. Oh boy, but you as MaryFran says, knowing upfront is the key to keeping yourself in check. Glad it's only 5 days. Hubby was on for awhile for his emphysema. Doctor finally took him when he had side effects. Lots of salads and soups. Make a nice bean soup with veggies so you have protein and low cal fillers.

  3. Hang in there and know any gain is NOT because you are failing.

  4. Is it a pretty small dose? I had to take prednisone for inflammation when I had a really bad cough, and it didn't affect anything, probably because I only took it for a short time. I was crazy thirsty and in the bathroom every five minutes, though!
