Sunday, February 24, 2019

I hate laziness

I read the words "I hate laziness" on a personal finance blog this morning.  Although the author was specifically talking about people who refuse to live within their means, the words struck me hard. 

I felt attacked.  I'm the lazy person.

After work (where I have a desk job) I come straight home to my recliner and mostly just stay there until I get up to go to bed.

Like the blog author who can't believe people would rather finance a $50K sports car than contribute to a 401K, I can't believe I'm going to be 40 this year and won't take care of my health.

The laziness must stop now.

Goals: 150 minutes of exercise and 4 days of staying under 1660 calories.

Last week: 75 minutes of exercise and NO DAYS of staying under 1660 calories.

I solemnly swear this week will be better.


  1. Weight loss has been a struggle for me lately as well. Oh, I did wonderfully a couple years back despite it being harder to lose when you get older. I lost 53 pounds through WW, hit goal, and managed to stay within goal until a few months ago when my back went out. There went whatever exercise I was getting and because I felt depressed that I was giving up things I loved, I ate. Eventually went over goal. Back has not healed and I don't foresee it healing anytime soon. I'll soon be 72 and have chronic arthritis and disc issues in my lower back. So I've been looking for alternate things to do. Recently started some chair exercise classes. You can do this. You have don't it before.

  2. It’s a struggle! I have a desk job and an hour commute to and from the time I get home I’m whipped and chose the lazy route! I’m with you! This had to stop!!! We can change!! (And I bet we will feel so much better by getting up and doing a little activity when we get home versus all relaxation!)

  3. 150 minutes is my weekly goal too. We can do this! It's getting harder to lose as I get older, but I'm determined.
